Chennai Cops

Chennai Traffic Police Stops Vehicle In Style

Police Patrol Bike

Police Patrol Car ( Hundai Acent )

Safety is very important for the people to live in a city, I see chennai is a safe place 2 live cos it has a very low crime rate comparing to other cities in india. This situation is possible due to the intense measure taken by the chennai city pollice. They are the people who work hard day an night to provide us safety, to reduce crime rates in our city.

Chennai Trafic Police depatment play a great role in maintaining the traffic flow and road safety in our city, We can see them working really hard under the sun, day and nigt, to contol the traffic and check the road safety. But i think the Chennai Traffic Police are not strict on the rules like " Wear helmet While Driving", " Dont Drink And Drive " etc, and the main problem with the trafic police is " They Get More Bribe " and they are not strict in their rules. I myself had seen many traffic constables and inspectors getting bribe and negotiating with the public for bribe. Other than that traffic police had installed CCTV cams in many signals, Installed improved and good signals etc.

I think the chennai police is the only polic in india to patrol with " Hundai Ancent " Car, The police head quartres for whole tamilnadu is in chennai ..

A great Salute for these great peoples who protect the chennai ..

Chennai Police Doesnt Have a seperate site, But info about chennai police can be found at
But Chennai Traffic Poice have their own site.

Chennai City Police And Chennai Traffic Police Rocks